Compound Photonics and Axus Technology partner to accelerate CP's microLED microdisplay development

Compound Photonics announced a new partner ship with Axus Technology to help accelerate MicroLED microdisplay development. The two companies will integrate critical wafer-scale processes needed for mass-production scale of CP's microLED displays.

Axus Capstone advanced CMP equipment photo

Specifically, Axus will deploy its Capstone CMP system with integrated post-CMP clean to enable wafer planarization and surface preparation process solutions for successful wafer-scale bonding of microLED wafers to high-performance CMOS backplanes.

In August 2020 Compound Photonics formally announced its microLED microdisplay platform, under the IntellPix brand. Compount Photonics says that its microdisplay platform will be available to demo in early 2021. The backplane supports resolutions up to 2048x2048 at pixel pitches from 1.5um and up.

Posted: Oct 03,2020 by Ron Mertens