AUO stays committed to microLED technologies, plans to increase investments

During the company's recent conference call, AUO said that the company is undergoing a strategic transformation, focusing on mobility solutions, vertical solutions, and the display segment. The company gave several interesting statements regarding its microLED project and investments.

First of all, the company says that microLED is a priority for the company, and it plans to allocate more resources into its microLED projects. AUO says that its microLED technology is 'gaining traction', and that it is producing microLED displays commercially, but it did not detail more. The company believes it is the leader in microLED development.


MicroLED are mostly useful in emerging and advanced applications, but AUO also sees microLED as a good solution for the 'conventional space' (which likely means smartphones, wearables, TVs, laptops, monitors and tablets). AUO is looking into transparent microLED solutions (it is already producing some displays) - and believes that transparent displays will be a very attractive product going forward. This will be interesting to watch as we've seen transparent display solutions (mostly OLEDs and LCDs) available for many years without large market demand.

Lenovo Project Crystal transparent microLED laptop photo

A Lenovo transparent microLED laptop prototype

AUO mentioned microLEDs as a good solution for AR displays - this is the first time we hear AUO discuss microLED microdisplays produced on silicon substrate.

Finally, AUO said that it is looking into applying microLEDs in foldable laptop panels - the company has already demonstrated prototypes last year.

AUO foldable and transparnet laptop 14.6" microLED display

It is interesting to hear AUO so bullish into microLEDs. We know that the company is betting on the technology, especially as it has abandoned its OLED development and microLEDs represent the company's only path toward next-generation display technologies. It's great to hear of AUO's commitment - especially after we hear that Samsung and LG may be slowing down their microLED business plans, and after Apple's microLED wearable project cancellation.

Towards the end of 2023, AUO announced its plans to invest further in its microLED technologies, and re-iterated its plans to mass produce microLED smartwatch displays by the end of 2023 - and also to introduce automotive and TV displays. You can read more about AUO's microLED wearable display project here. In November 2023, AUO announced an agreement with PlayNitride, to build a $21.5 million 6-inch microLED production line at AUO's Longtan factory.

In May 2024, AUO demonstrated its latest microLED display prototypes at SID Displayweek 2024.

Posted: Aug 09,2024 by Ron Mertens