Impressions from the MicroLED Association's meeting at DisplayWeek 2024

The MicroLED Association's meeting took place on Monday, May 13th, at the McEnery conference center in San Jose, where SID's DisplayWeek event is currently underway. This meeting marked the second time in which MIA members gathered to network, exchange opinions and strengthen relationships within the Association.

The meeting was joined by almost 40 representatives of Association members, and was a laid-back event with an informal atmosphere, which enabled open conversation and friendly networking.

The Association's founder, Ron Mertens, gave a short speech that recounted the achievements and projects of the last year, and shared plans for future endeavors. A professional discussion followed, on a range of topics including cost reduction, target applications, microLED roadmaps, collaborations and recent shifts in the display industry.


In summary, the MIA is proud to conclude its successful second yearly meeting, thank its valued members for attending, and invite non-member industry players to join in order to help shape the future of the MicroLED industry!

Posted: May 16,2024 by Ron Mertens