MicroLED mass transfer technology innovations to be featured at MicroLED-Connect 2024

MicroLED-Connect is the world's first dedicated MicroLED conference and exhibition. The event, organized by TechBlick and the MicroLED Association, will take place at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, also known as "the smartest square kilometer in all of Europe", and will include an excellent conference program, masterclasses, tours - with a special emphasis on social/professional gatherings and networking opportunities. Register now and enjoy a discounted rate (until August 16).

MicroLED Connect Agenda 2024-09 image

A major challenge for microLED production lies at the mass transfer process, in which LEDs have to be transferred from the processed epiwafer to the final display substrate. A good mass transfer process has to be quick, efficient, and accurate - not an easy feat to achieve. MicroLED-Connect will present ample opportunities to learn more about transfer technologies, the challenges, the different processes and the latest innovations.


Two of the keynote talks on the first day will detail microLED transfer technologies. First up will be Coherent, a market leader in laser technologies, that will discuss its latest laser processes and tools for mass volume manufacturing. VueReal will discuss how microLEDs are set to disrupt OLEDs in the display industry, as the company develops its own cartridge-based printing transfer process. Another interesting talk on the first day will be by Applied materials, to discuss how it is scaling up microLED manufacturing and how it managed to produce smartwatch type displays using commercial-scale processes and equipment.

Also on the first day, we will hear from 3D Micromac, which will highlight its laser-based LIFT process for microLED transfer, and from Japan's Toray Engineering who will give an overview of the main mass transfer technologies, including stamp-based pick-and-place, and laser-based transfer.

On the second day, a full track will be dedicated to microLED transfer and production - with talks by the Holst Centre, the University of Strathclyde, Mikro Mesa, TracXon and Smartkem, all of whom will discuss the latest transfer and process innovations, roll-to-roll production, new approaches, challenges and more.

Beyond microLED transfer, MicroLED-Connect attendees will also learn more about chip bonding, conductive adhesives placements, wafer growth technologies, and more.

For more in-depth discussions, our masterclasses will be an excellent option - Coherent will provide an in-depth discussion on laser-based mass transfer, and the Holst Centre will discuss different solutions for microLED mass-transfer. The MicroLED-Connect exhibition will include many transfer companies, including Smartkem, Coherent, VueReal, the Holst Centre, Tracxon, 3D Micromac and Toray Engineering.

On the first day of the event, the MicroLED Association will hold a special members-only dinner that will also be another excellent opportunity for networking and learning more about LED epitaxy, material platforms and more from the Association's members.

MicroLED-Connect's talks, masterclasses and networking opportunities will be an excellent way to get up-to-speed with the latest material innovations, challenges, roadmaps and more.

Beyond transfer technologies, MicroLED-Connect will have an excellent agenda, with a speaker line-up that includes Google, Meta, Yole, Continental, Aixtron, Applied Materials, Toray Engineering, TCL CSOT, JCDecaux, CEA Leti, Coherent, VueReal, Omdia, and many others. You can access the full agenda here. Register now and enjoy a discounted rate (until August 16)!

Posted: Aug 05,2024 by Ron Mertens