MicroLED material innovations to be featured at MicroLED-Connect 2024

MicroLED-Connect is the world's first dedicated MicroLED conference and exhibition. The event, organized by TechBlick and the MicroLED Association, will take place at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, also known as "the smartest square kilometer in all of Europe", and will include an excellent conference program, masterclasses, tours - with a special emphasis on social/professional gatherings and networking opportunities. Register now to attend MicroLED-Connect and enjoy our special discount (up to 400 per ticket), valid until August 15, of up to 400 Euro.

MicroLED Connect Agenda 2024-09 image

One of the themes to be highlighted at the event is microLED material platforms, the basis of all microLED emission technology. As MicroLED technology competes with high-end and cost-effective OLED displays, microLED developers need to deeply innovate their material platforms and technologies and we believe that this is one of the keys for microLEDs' future success.


The first day at MicroLED-Connect will dedicate a full track to material innovation. First up, Professor Steven Denbaars from UC Santa Barbara will discuss recent advances in III-Nitride materials for high efficiency microLEDs at under 10 microns. In addition, Prof. Daisuke Iida from KAUST will detail the challenges in InGaN-based red microlED materials. The next two talks by industry leaders will have Alexander Loesing, co-founder at ALLOS Semi, give the latest updates us on the development of GaN LEDs on 300 mm silicon wafers, and AIxtron's VP, Jared Holzwarth, share how the company overcomes the challenges in microLED epiwafer production.

On the second day of the conference, several talks will detail high-end microLED processing, and two companies will introduce their innovative material platforms - Kubus Semiconductors will discuss its Cubic GaN platform while Polar Light Technology will present its pyramidical InGaN/GaN uLED structure.

UK-based IQE, an LED foundry, will hold a masterclass during which it will provide a detailed view of the processes and requirements for growing high quality epitaxial photonics materials, in particular GaN and AlGaInP microLEDs.

On the first day of the event, the MicroLED Association will hold a special members-only dinner that will also be another excellent networking opportunity, and a chance to learn about LED epitaxy, material platforms and more from the Association's members.

MicroLED-Connect's talks, masterclasses and networking opportunities will be an excellent way to get up-to-date on the latest material innovations, challenges, roadmaps and more.

Beyond material technologies, MicroLED-Connect will have an excellent agenda, with a speaker line-up that includes Google, Meta, Yole, Continental, Aixtron, Applied Materials, Toray Engineering, TCL CSOT, JCDecaux, CEA Leti, Coherent, VueReal, Omdia, and many others. You can access the full agenda here.

Register now to attend MicroLED-Connect and enjoy our special discount (up to 400 per ticket), valid until August 15, of up to 400 Euro.

Posted: Jul 29,2024 by Ron Mertens