VueReal announces a strategic partnership with RiTDisplay to bring passive matrix microLED displays to the consumer market

MicroLED display developer VueReal announced a strategic partnership with PMOLED producer RiTDisplay display, that will enable device makers to access VueReal's microLED display technologies.

VueReal platform banner and transparent MicroLED photo

VueReal and RiTDisplay have been collaborating for several years, co-developing automotive displays and lighting solutions. The two companies will now target the consumer market with high-performance and cost-effective displays. The displays will be based on RiT's passive-matrix backplane and VueReal's microLED frontplane solutions.


At the first stage of the collaboration, display production will take place at VueReal's own low-volume production line in Canada (where it will deposit microLEDs on top of Backplane produced by RiT in Taiwan). This will enable quick market access. At later stages, large volume production lines are planned.

VueReal expects the first consumer products to feature their microLED displays to launch within 1-2 years. The company offers both regular and transparent displays.

Earlier this month VueReal announced that it plans to double its microLED manufacturing capacity, and enter the consumer market.

VueReal microLED production line photo

In 2023, VueReal announced that it has developed and started shipping high-resolution and high-transparency microLED displays to its customers. Also in 2023, VueReal announced a breakthrough in its MicroSolid Printing Platform, enabling it to go below 7um LED pitch (on the wafer) for full color microLED deposition. Earlier in 2023, the company was awarded with $7.7 million to scale up its production line. In February 2024, we posted a spotlight article on VueReal

During Displayweek2024 VueReal unveiled a hybrid microLED-LCOS microdisplay technology. During the same trade show, the company also announced a new microLED architecture, based on blue LEDs and QD color conversion, which it brands as QuantumVue.

VueReal, a MicroLED Association member, is one of the keynote speakers at MicroLED Connect 2024, where it will detail its technology and status - and will also exhibit its latest prototypes.

In 2019 RiTDisplay started to shift its focus from PMOLED production to microLEDs - it announced a strategic partnership and share swap with MicroLED developer PlayNitride, and later said it aims to release its first product to the market in 2020. These displays never reached the market, and we hope that this time with VueReal this project will actually reach commercialization.

Posted: Jul 26,2024 by Ron Mertens