Smartkem and Shanghai Chip Foundation to co-develop microLED based LCD backlight units

OTFT developer Smartkem, a MicroLED Industry Association member, announced that it has signed an agreement with Shanghai Chip Foundation Semiconductor Technology to co-develop microLED-based backlight units for LCD displays.

SmartKem's microLED display prototype, shown at Displayweek 2024

Smartkem prototype microLED display

The new backlight units will use Smartkem's proprietary organic dielectric single layer material, or Redistribution Layer (RDL). Chip Foundatiion will use the material with its own microLED devices. As part of the co-development project, Smartkem will develop specifica insulator materials to be used by Chip Foundation. The project will develop miniLED packages that contain four microLEDs wired in series. Smartkem says that the chip will offer high brightness, high current efficiency, improved uniformity and lower power consumption compared to current miniLED based backlighting units.


In June 2024, Smartkem demonstrated its first microLED display, which was produced with its own proprietary OTFT materials. The company says that its materials could reduce the cost of microLED production thanks to their low-temperature processing. In August 2023 we posted a spotlight article on Smartkem.

SmartKem will participate and exhibit at MicroLED-Connect 2024 in September 24-26 2024.

Posted: Sep 11,2024 by Ron Mertens